Right of withdrawal

As a consumer, you have at least 14 days to cancel your order and register the return. After registering your return, you have at least another 14 days to return the product. The costs for the return are at your expense. As soon as we have received your return, we will refund the order amount including shipping costs within a maximum of 5 days.

Did you create an account when placing your order? Then it is easy to report a return in your account. If you did not create an account, send us your order or article in question in an e-mail to info @afzuigkapspecialist .nl with the complaint and/or reason for return.

If you exercise your right of withdrawal, the product must be returned to us with all accessories supplied and - if reasonably possible - in the original condition and packaging. If the product is damaged or the packaging is damaged more than necessary to try the product, we can pass on the reduction in value of the product to you. Therefore, treat the product with care and ensure that it is properly packaged when returning it.